By: Just van den Broecke Below are PG dump (-fc) of OSM Planet (entire world) with all feature types or test areas. Each subdir is a version by date in YYMMDD so 210729 July 29, 2021. Versions starting July 29, 2021 are using imposm3 and provide metadata like a README, the imposm mapping file used and the SQL schema layout. BELOW IS OBSOLETE/OLD (Before July 29, 2021) Origin is GPKGs. Each GPKG processed into PostGIS with ogr2ogr. Each GeoPackage contains four feature tables, one per geometry, e.g. for feature : _EPSG4326_point, _EPSG4326_line _EPSG4326_multilinestring and _EPSG4326_multipolygon In the PG-tables these are renamed to: _point etc. All features are present except Building (too big currently for our ETL server diskspace) clipped to an area in central Netherlands (5.0 52.14 5.4 52.4) in lx ly ux uy. Dump has single schema 'planet' with 112 tables: 28 feature types, with each feature type having 4 tables, one per geometry type, including two line-types. geom columns are in WGS84/EPSG:4326. Subdirs are per date YYMMDD.